Abortion video to the internet : Emily Letts Abortion video

Posted by Unknown on Friday, May 9, 2014 | 0 comments

Emily letts Abortion Video

A counselor at a New Jersey abortion clinic celebrated her own abortion by posting it on YouTube in order to treasure her “special memory”.

Emily Letts recorded the lead up to the procedure and some of the abortion itself as part of an effort to inspire women who may feel guilty or scared about terminating their pregnancies.
Writing about the experience in a Cosmopolitan piece, Letts admits that her failure to use protection during sex was “crazy” given her role as an abortion advisor, illustrating how many women treat abortion as merely another form of birth control.
“Once I caught my breath, I knew immediately I was going to have an abortion. I knew I wasn’t ready to take care of a child. The guy wasn’t involved in my decision,” she writes.
Letts describes her role of encouraging women to terminate their pregnancies as a “perfect world that fulfills me in so many different ways”.
As the abortion procedure began, Letts wore a beaming smile and even let out a giggle as she stated, “I’m a lucky girl”. In her article she writes of how she was “feeling the love from everyone in the room” during the abortion, which she described as, “like I was giving birth”.
Letts can he heard humming during the abortion. When the procedure is over she remarks, “Cool. I feel good.”
Letts says the whole experience, “will always be a special memory for me,” adding that she kept the sonogram of the baby as a memento.
Although Letts says that upon posting her video people were, “breathtakingly supportive,” that sentiment quickly seems to be evaporating, with her YouTube video receiving over 1300 thumbs down. Comments on the video have been disabled, suggesting Letts was hit by a barrage of criticism after conservative media outlets picked up the story.
Leftist outfit Think Progress hailed Letts’ decision to make her story public, claiming that it removed some of the stigma surrounding abortion.
This story underscores the worst aspect of abortion advocates which is the fact that many of them celebrate killing babies as if it’s an ‘empowering’ and ‘positive’ procedure. Is it too much to ask for them to at the very least be somber and regretful? Letts truly deserves whatever onslaught of public condemnation is heading her way.
In March we reported on a similar example of bad taste involving the D.C. Abortion Fund (DCAF), an organization that helps poor women pay for abortions, which caused controversy by offering a ‘coat hanger’ pendant to contributors who donate $10 or more a month for women in Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia to terminate their pregnancies.
In 2004, abortion advocate and author Jennifer Baumgardner launched the “I Had an Abortion” project in order to encourage women who had terminated pregnancies to embrace their decision. In a promotional stunt for the campaign, feminist Gloria Steinem wore a t-shirt which read, “I had an abortion” while adopting a smiling, celebratory pose.
Last year footage also emerged of abortion advocates chanting “Hail Satan” in unison at the Texas State Capitol building.
In February 2012, a paper was published in the Journal of Medical Ethics which argued that abortion should be extended to make the killing of newborn babies permissible.
Killing babies is obviously not good enough for abortion advocates. The whole sordid procedure has to be sanctified as some kind of joyous ceremony. Even if you support a women’s right to abortion, the process should be solemn and as dignified as possible, it shouldn’t be couched in terms such as “cool,” “lucky,” or “special”.
By characterizing abortion in this context, the left exposes the reason for its advocacy of a woman’s “right to choose” not so much as a cherished freedom but as some kind of sick bloodlust for celebrating the destruction of innocence.


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