Man arrested after catching boy showering with his daughter (video)

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, June 12, 2014 | 0 comments

Girl showering
A man ended up behind bars after catching a boy showering with his daughter, police in Georgia said.

Athens Police said that they arrested the 49-year-old father of the girl on Tuesday, on charges of assault and cruelty to children after he allegedly beat the teen for showering with his daughter.

The incident began when police responded to a call from Clinton Antonio Ward, who said that he caught a teen inside his apartment.

When officers arrived, they spoke to Ward outside of the home, but when they entered, the saw Ward’s 16-year-old daughter and her 16-year-old boyfriend.

Ward told police that when he came home and sat down on his couch he heard his daughter talking in the bathroom, and at first he thought she was on the phone. However, suddenly, he heard a man’s voice.

After a few minutes, Ward’s daughter came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel while her boyfriend came out without clothes. That is when Ward began cursing and yelling at the two teens. 

The two teens quickly ran into a bedroom, and as the boy was picking up his clothes, Ward pushed him against a wall, and punched him in the chest and face. The girl said that she was also hit in the face.

Police arrested Ward, and charged him with battery and cruelty to children.

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