Commonwealth Games 2014: Glasgow has been a celebration of sport for sport's sake

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, August 2, 2014 | 0 comments

Olympic-level fervour has helped Scotland feel good about itself at a Games that have been notable for their passion and unpredictability

 The best possible rebuke to sceptics of these Commonwealth Games, and even agnostics, lay in the beatific smile of Erraid Davies.

As if to prove that Glasgow’s spectacular was for all Scotland, this 13-year-old swimmer from the Shetland Islands, afflicted with the rare hip condition Perthes’ disease, took bronze in the 100 metres para-breaststroke to become the youngest ever Commonwealth medallist and melt the most implacable resistance.

She grinned on the rostrum, bashful yet incredulous, as the tears among the Saltire-waving hordes at Tollcross pool came plentifully.

While many in Glasgow would gladly walk 500 miles to avoid hearing that dreaded anthem by The Proclaimers again, the soundtrack to Scottish success here has often been intensely moving.

The home athletes might not, in the words of Flower of Scotland, have sent proud Edward’s English army homeward “tae think again” – they trail those infernal Sassenachs by many leagues in the medal table – but to see thousands of local families lustily lauding gymnast Dan Keatings’ triumph on the pommel horse, or Lynsey Sharp’s fight through illness to claim silver in the 800m, was to recognise a country imbued with a renewed confidence.

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