First ever baby born through womb transplant

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, October 4, 2014 | 0 comments

First ever baby born through womb transplant

A woman in Sweden has achieved a medical first after giving birth to a health baby boy following a womb transplant.
The 36-year-old mother received a uterus from a close family friend last year.
Her baby boy was born prematurely by cesarean section but is healthy and mother and child are now at home and doing well.
The Swedish woman had healthy ovaries, but she was born without a uterus – a syndrome seen in one girl in 4,500.
One year after the transplant, when doctors were confident the womb was working well, they transferred a single embryo created in a lab dish using the woman’s eggs and her husband’s sperm.
The woman, who has only one kidney, had three mild rejection episodes, including one during pregnancy, but all were successfully treated with medicines.
Mats Brannstrom, Professor and Team Leader of the Uterus Transplantation Team said more research needed to be done adding “I think this is not going to be routine clinical care or routine surgery until many, many years from now.”

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